The Chinese Communist Party has done it again. Done what? A party. Yes, one to celebrate the party. The other party. The communist one. 90 years of it. Whoa! So you’re curious of how it went? Now just look at ’em toe dancing the altogether:

Chinese Communist Party Party

Chinese Communist Party Party

Chinese Communist Party Party

Chinese Communist Party Party

Chinese Communist Party Party

So basically, a grand communist celebration is like a sh*tload of dancing, singalongs and freedom to do whatever it is that the other thousands of people around you are doing exactly. Leaders must be pleased. They rollin’. Now let’s have a look at over 9000! Chineseses waving the flag like there’s no tomorrow in Formula 1:

Chinese Communist Party Party

And then let’s give it up to the propaganda once more.

Chinese Communist Party Party

And there's a light on, heavy glow

Chinese Communist Party Party

Chinese Communist Party Party

Good thing there were a whole lotta Chinese women there waiting to take your order. Here’s when they were just relaxing after all those Chop Suey requests:

Chinese Communist Party Party

And here’s one who managed to deliver the most orders that day (a remarkable feat in Chinese culture) out of all women. Almost crying with joy there!

Chinese Communist Party Party

Now that’s how you throw a party party!

Photo source.