After all that amusement last week’s earthquake has caused, now a tropical cyclone seems to be the funniest thing on the Internet for people on the East Coast. Hurricane Irene wasn’t at all soft and it made a lot of real damage, but it seems that idiots like us just can’t help it.

So here’s some natural disaster Internet glory again, starting with a proper theme song:

Hurricane Irene Kanye

Hurricane Irene Scumbag Meme

Hurricane Irene Safety First

Hurricane Irene Safety First

Hurricane Irene Weatherman

Hurricane Irene Rageface

Hurricane Irene Rageface Meme

Hurricane Irene Seafood Restaurant Funny Sign

Hurricane Irene New Jersey Beach Before and After

Hurricane Irene Basement Disaster Gangsta

Giving the Middle Finger to Hurricane Irene

Hurricane Irene Serious News Spiderman

Hurricane Irene Fry Dilemma

Photos from funnyordieknowyourmeme and imgur via reddit

So, as to get a clue of how actually destructive Irene was, compared to the hype it got, here’s a top of the hurricanes with the most media coverage since the 80s.

Hurricane Irene Media Coverage

Photo from fivethirtyeight