While you couldn’t blame Insane Clown Posse, for they’ve never had much discernment or even cared to produce anything of quality, this time Jack White can be accused for adding his contribution to one of the most useless releases in the recent history of music.

Jack White and Insane Clown Posse Mozart Cover

Yes, Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope are collaborating with half of the White Stripes, every mother’s favorite son-in-law, Jack White. Not only the song sounds like a bad joke and it’s filled with ICP’s characteristic 2nd grade toilet humor, but it’s also paraphrasing a Mozart composition dating back to 1782. And Jack’s actual contribution to the song is simply a guitar riff that could be played by someone who just picked up the instrument a couple of weeks before.

Insane Clown Posse – Leck Mich Im Arsch by Third Man Records

But the best part is that Mozart’s canon for three voices that they’re covering is called “Leck mir den Arsch fein recht schön sauber”, which means “Lick my ass right well and clean”. Yes, it appears that Mozart had an entire catalogue of scatological compositions in the late 18th century, as hard it is to believe. Although, there still are disputes whether they’re actually his or they actually belong to a Czech composer from the same period, Wenzel Trnka.


Leck mire den A… recht schon,
fein sauber lecke ihn,
fein sauber lecke, leck mire den A…
Das ist ein fettigs Begehren,
nur gut mit Butter geschmiert,
den das Lecken der Braten mein tagliches Thun.
Drei lecken mehr als Zweie,
nur her, machet die Prob’
und leckt, leckt, leckt.
Jeder leckt sein A… fur sich.

Lick my ass nicely,
lick it nice and clean,
nice and clean, lick my ass.
That’s a greasy desire,
nicely buttered,
like the licking of roast meat, my daily activity.
Three will lick more than two,
come on, just try it,
and lick, lick, lick.
Everybody lick their ass for themselves.

the lyrics for Mozart’s composition, taken from Wikipedia

Jack White will probably go for the “no one was expecting this, it’s absurd, therefore funny” escape on this, but nevertheless, it constitutes a major flop in his musical career. He probably thinks if Mozart had canons about ass-licking, why wouldn’t he make an ass of himself too?

Photo from antiquiet.com