6 Interesting Places to Celebrate the New Year’s Eve

The New Year’s Eve party is probably one the most fun and most expected nights of the year, and choosing the right place is not always easy. Of course, New York’s Time Square or European Capitals like London or Paris can be a good option, but these cities are also quite predictable. That is why…

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Winter Adrenaline Rush

Each year the mountains that were full of green get covered with a white blanket of snow. And this white blanket has given man so many ways to have fun and get his adrenaline pumping. But nothing beats the state of exhilaration that snowboarding and skiing gives you. Alone or with your friends, doing a…

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Levni Yilmaz’s Tales Of Mere Existence

Besides the value of truth contained by these animations, it is interesting to observe how their simplicity does not bore you. Levni Yilmaz’s animations do not have CGI ( Computer-generated imagery), things flying at you or 3D effects. They are simple, but not simplistic. He just uses lines, a pleasant voice and witty remarks to…

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10 Thanksgiving Creative Turkey Cupcakes

The turkey is in the oven, the sweet potatoes are almost done and now you need some ideas on how to decorate your Thanksgiving cupcakes in a delicious way. Feast your eyes on these sweet turkeys made out of marzipan, whipped cream, sprinkles and many other yummy ingredients. Photo from Sugar Daze on Flickr. Photo…

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We are the 99%

The “Occupy Wall Street” demonstrations have grown out of New York Now and peaceful protests are planned in cities all over the world. Whether this movement will have any impact in curing the corporate greed or whether it will change the way governments act is rather unsure. But one thing these protests have managed is…

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Mothers to the Rescue

Lesson No.1: Never mess with mama’s baby! If animal mothers could talk they would definitely scream: “Get your paws off my baby!” in situations like the ones presented below. And as if their menacing growls wouldn’t be enough to scare away the attackers, they don’t waste a single second when their babies are in danger….

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Here’s How Hitchhiking across the USA Feels Like

Traveling around the world is the dream of many people. Unfortunately, few of them have what it takes to make it come true. Let’s face it, it’s not so easy at first glance: you all have your jobs, your education, your family and your responsibilities. As exciting as it sounds, you can’t just leave it…

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Made of Chocolate: Weapons of Mass Delight

These are rough times we’re living. Every day we can see there’s been another shooting, bombing or attack against innocent people and fear is spread among us with the help of news channels. But where does this leave us, the indifferent people? When pain and suffering, or even compassion, for that matter, are things you…

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Facebook Statuses as a Relationship Timeline

You might have stumbled upon one of Casey Ford Alexander’s videos for Adele’s most compelling songs. You might have even thought they were the official videos. That’s how good they are. The video for “Someone like you” reached 3 million views on You Tube and still counting, the one for “Rolling in the deep” following closely….

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Follow the Shell

Photo by beedieu on Flickr. Pilgrimages have been a way of living for millions of people since the beginning of time. Though pilgrimages to Rome or Jerusalem are widely known, the one to Santiago de Compostela in Spain takes people from all over the world through one of the most beautiful places in Europe. Called…

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When the Blackboard’s Not Enough

Flip charts. Blackboards. Post its. Agendas. Schedules. Whiteboards. Forget all these things. There is a new way to be organized, a new way to constantly see all your ideas. You don’t even have to click anything. It’s called IdeaPaint. You can apply it to any surface you want to write on. You can paint an entire…

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Coloring Color Blindness

Miguel Neiva, a Portuguese designer and university teacher, has developed a graphical code to communicate color to colorblind people, the ColorAdd system. This code is based on the universal concepts of color interpretation and mixture and allows colorblind people to correctly identify colors, hues, brightness and mixtures. Color Blindness is a congenital alteration provoked by…

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