Photo by Alexander Andreev on Flickr.
10 things?
There may be a thousand things you could do while at home, complaining that you can’t go on vacation in top-ranked locations.
Most of the complaints deal with work and the lack of money: you’re either too tied up to leave work, or your budget doesn’t allow you to spend money on a vacation, or… both.
These 10 simple activities can make your vacation a great one, while still being at home. You don’t have to drown into consumerism to have some quality time.
Home vacation advice # 1: Wasting time can be benefic
Photo erix on Flickr.
When’s the last time you took some time and just sat and did nothing? No TV, no Internet, no magazines, no movies, no music, no other form of distraction?
Wasting some time (in moderate quantities) can be very productive and it ultimately makes you more creative. Best ideas are born in these sessions of ‘time wasting’.
Home vacation advice #2: Doing what you usually don’t have time to do
Photo by James Bowe on Flickr.
You know how long ago you wanted to clean the computer keyboard but you just didn’t find the right moment to do it? Well, now is the perfect moment for details like these.
Home vacation advice #3: Learn something new
Photo by Tara Angkor Hotel on Flickr.
Either it’s a new language, or a food recipe, learning something new keeps your mind alert. It also gives you a feeling of satisfaction, of personal achievement.
Home vacation advice #4: Practice some sports
Photo by Benson Kua on Flickr.
If affordable, you can choose a fitness gym, but it’s not a must. If you’ve got enough motivation, you can do some exercises at home or go for a run.
Home vacation advice #5: Spend more time outdoors
Photo by twicepix on Flickr.
You don’t have a lot of money to spend on travelling, but I’m sure you have a quiet place near/outside the city where you can go for a breath of fresh air. The more, the merrier, so invite somebody to keep you company.
Take your bike for a stroll. Take a book for a read in the park.
Home vacation advice #6: Read. Read more. Read even more.
Photo by Elvert Barnes on Flickr.
After a stressful day you’d rather watch a comedy or a tv show, but when’s the last time you laid your hand on a book?
If you argue you’re one of those persons who don’t read, then take a look again at Home vacation advice #2.
Reading is like food for your brain, besides making you less ignorant and improving your knowledge. Trying a book that improves you language skills and challenges your ideas can be a good exercise.
Home vacation advice #7: Go somewhere you don’t usually go
Photo by Jeff Karpala on Flickr.
Ok now, try to answer those questions:
- How many museum are in your town?
- Which one of them did you visit?
- When was your last visit to a museum?
- Uhm… what is a museum? Kidding.
Sometimes a change of scenery can be benefic, so now would be the right time to discover your city, and go places you usually mock.
Home vacation advice #8: Events
Photo by wonker on Flickr.
Either you choose a festival, a movie marathon, or a concert, events are a good reason to get out of the house, meet some people and socialize. The good news is that a lot of these events are for free. Like the best things in life.
Home vacation advice #9: Have some friends over
Photo by kobakou on Flickr.
If you haven’t seen some close friends for a time, now’s the moment to invite them over for a movie marathon, a party, or some board games. Of course, they must be spending their vacation in town, just like you. However, inviting over people who just returned from their vacation, can be benefic – you can find out a lot of stuff from the places they were.
Home vacation advice #10: Why not plan your next vacation
Photo by Mike Miley on Flickr.
Instead of drowning into frustration about not having money to visit some exotic place, you can invest this time in building your ‘itinerary’ for the vacations upcoming.
Choose a place, collect some information about prices, accomodation, main atttractions. Make a budget. Read a travel blog. Talk to people that visited that place. Save some money.
What’s it going to be: Rome, Paris, or New York?
There are a lot of things you can do while in town, and still have a great vacation.
It’s just as simple as American writer Henry Miller said: ‘I have no money, no resources, no hopes. I am the happiest man alive.’
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