How many famous Vincents do you know? Vincent Price, Vincent van Gogh, Vince Vaughn you can complete the list with as many as you can find. Today I’ve set to add one more to your personal list of famous Vincents.
Remember those cartoons in which the characters had a dilemma and it was sided by an angelic and demonic personifications of itself? Well this six minute movie is the prolonged illustration of the severing of the character: we have a simple seven year old boy whose name you can guess: Vincent. That is until you find out that he’d rather be a mad scientist and experiment “on his dog Abercrombie in the hopes of creating a horrible zombie.”
But Vincent isn’t all that gloomy. He has a keen interest in reading and a rather unnatural liking for E. A. Poe’s writings, which he envisages vividly:
Such horrible news he could not survive
For his beautiful wife had been buried alive!
He dug out her grave to make sure she was dead
Unaware that her grave was his mother’s flower bed.
The animation oscillates between normality and the rather macabre when you least expect it. Just like Vincent quoted: “I am possessed by this house, and can never leave it again” , you will not be able to break this dual, wittingly funny and ghastly tale brought to you by the creator of the most unusual and beloved movie characters, Tim Burton.
So what do you think? Did you enjoy the vintage movie? Would you like to see more of Tim Burton’s underground work?
Photo from karilu05.
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