2011 was definitely the year for royal weddings. First there was Prince William and Catherine Middleton’s wedding which took place on Friday, April 29th in the UK, followed by the wedding between Albert II, Prince of Monaco and Charlene Wittstock, which took place in Monaco on Friday, July 1st.

Needless to say, both couples looked spectacular, the weddings were lavish and majestic and had millions of people from every corner of the planet watching every detail of the ceremonies and dreaming with their eyes wide-open.

So I wanted to compare the esentially biggest royal weddings of the last decade and find out which one you liked better?

Monaco – Civil Service: Albert II, Prince of Monaco and Charlene Wittstock

UK – Engagement: Prince William and Catherine Middleton, duchess of Cambridge

Monaco – Religious Ceremony

Monaco Royal Wedding ChurchPhoto from frillsandthrills.

UK – Religious Ceremony

Kate William Royal Wedding ChurchPhoto from frillsandthrills.

Monaco – Wedding Ride


UK – Wedding Ride


Monaco and UK – Reception Gowns -Kate Middleton vs. Charlene Wittstock

Royal Wedding Reception Gowns UK Kate Middleton

Photo from mysuperficialendeavours.

Royal Wedding Reception Gowns Monaco Charlene WittstockPhoto from frillsandthrills.

Monaco – Wedding Cake

Monaco Royal Wedding Cake 2011Photo from glamouractresslife.

UK – Wedding Cake

England Royal Wedding Cake 2011Photo from vineyardsweets.