Recently acknowledged as the “No Man” of Hollywood, much-antipathized actor Shia LaBeouf is rumoured to be planning a full feature directorial debut. The Rolling Stone said it’s going to be a documentary on shock-rock star Marilyn Manson. The Horror!
LaBeouf’s recent teaming up with outdated rockstar Marilyn Manson was discussed in a live show by Shia himself, accompanied by two enthusiasm-simulators called Regis and Kelly. If you have a puke-bucket nearby and/or patience, here’s the whole 12 minutes of it:
A top parvenu face in the movie industry, Shia LaBeouf also mentioned getting inspiration (euphemism for plagiarizing) for some of his shooting from a great Belgian movie called “Man Bites Dog”, which, btw, you might prefer to watch instead of reading about Shia LaBeouf:
Fortunately he abstained from raping making a complete remake of it and just did a short horror movie named “Maniac”. But until he makes a real directoral debut, hold your fingers crossed, cause it won’t be long. Might even be 2012 related. In an apocalypse sort of way.
Featured photo by Nicolas Genin on Flickr/Creative Commons.
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