If you were searching for a role-model in thinking, look no further. She’s cutting-edge rational and also brutally sincere in whatever she says. Her words simply slash conceptions so fast, that before you know it, you realize that she’s entirely right.


If you want more Fran Lebowitz, you’re on a lucky streak because the documentary ‘Public Speaking’ directed by Martin Scorsese portrays Fran Lebowitz, her ideas, conceptions and life.  She misses the NY of the ’70s, when it wasn’t so laden with tourists; and the nostalgia that each person has regarding a place stems from the fact that when they lived there they were younger and when you’re young, life is like pizza: when it’s good, it’s really good; when it’s bad, it’s still pretty good. She misses that distinctive audience that NY used to have, the true intellectuals; the history of art, writer’s block, anything and everything. It’s definitely not a waste of your time if you are looking for a sardonic but realistic second opinion upon things.


Although I have my objections to some of her comments, I must admit that she has more than pertinent points of view. Reading about her and watching videos of her was a pleasure. And I couldn’t help jotting down some quotations. Honestly, I can’t say that one is better than the other; they are equally true and equally original. I could never possibly choose but  maybe you have a favorite…

1. A book is not supposed to be a mirror. It’s supposed to be a door.

2. It may be impossible to be popular for the right reasons. Any one who possesses the right reasons would probably be pretty unpopular.

3. Explanation is journalism.

An amazing woman, one of the few role models that should – emphasizing should- be followed by girls and young women. Regrettably, some are way too concerned about their looks rather than their intelligence. The fact that women are discriminated is their our fault, and their fault alone: they were given equal rights, were offered a chance to be educated and some simply don’t use it.

Featured photo by David Shankbone on Flickr.