If you take a look at the pictures below you will probably think that they represents different cities or continents during night time, like the view you get when looking out the plane window. Or maybe you’d think it’s a satellite photo. But the correct answer is: neither of them. Actually Eric Fisher created quite a few maps of continents and metropolises from around the world in which he reveals where people who use two specific social networks – Flickr, the photo-sharing website and Twitter, the micro-messaging network – are situated. Basically he took into consideration from where do people post geotagged photos to Flickr and geotagged tweets to Twitter.

So that you can descifer his maps, you should know that the orange dots are locations of Flickr pictures, the blue dots are locations of Twitter tweets while the white dots represent locations that have been posted to both.

Now take a look at his wonderful maps and remember: if you live in one of these cities and have a Twitter and/or Flickr account you’re one of those tiny dots on the map.

Photo credits: Eric Fisher (check out his full HQ gallery)


Social Networks Map Of Europe

North America

Social Networks Map Of North America


Social Networks Map Of Barcelona


Social Networks Map Of London

New York

Social Networks Map Of New York


Social Networks Map Of Tokyo

Mexico City

Social Networks Map Of Mexico City


Social Networks Map Of Moscow


Social Networks Map Of Istanbul


Social Networks Map Of Amsterdam


Social Networks Map Of Sydney