Traveling has never been easier. And neither has student life. Nowadays you can literally fit an entire room into a box. Does wonders for packing. Not to mention moving. If you’re living a student’s life, constantly moving this is one of the best options on the market.
Also known as the collapsible room or architectural furniture, this little box designed by Marcel Krings and Sebastian Mühlhäuser has a very good notoriety due to it’s uniqueness, portability and efficiency. Based on the same principle as Matryoshka dolls, the pieces comprising this furniture fit perfectly one into another.
Basically you turn this
into this
Pretty good, huh?! How does it happen? See for yourselves.
Photos from Mein- Casulo
I’m not sure about how much weight these things can handle but I’d go for one of those. Really I would. If you find the images somehow unrevealing, maybe this video could shed some light into the matter.
Travel-Friendly Furniture | Mole Empire
[…] the ideal way to travel around, hunting for better rent. If Casulo packs itself up and disassembles, this is a different type of packing furniture. It doesn’t […]
orlando furniture stores
Very useful furniture. I would love to get my hands one of these!