Here’s a lesson of how simple ideas lead to great imagination exercises. The painter of these magical portraits, known as Dilka Bear, used a standard expression for each of them, putting the characters in different moods and circumstances. In my vision, each of this little fairies tells an interesting story.

Let’s start with a first appearance of this stiff little girl. Looks like she is carefully carrying her bear, but that is not entirely pleasing. She has to pose with a harsh look to protect her possessions and make her feel like the owner.

Dilka Bear Portraits Selfish

If things get ugly, you don’t want to get in touch with her finger-nails!

Dilka Bear Portraits Sneaky

‘Keep staring, angel. I have wings, too.’ Sneak-peak is fun, especially when the subject you are running for lies in your own hands. The prize is definitely worth it, so don’t glance back and keep walking.

Dilka Bear Portraits Careful

This piggy-face darling sure knows how to tangle things. Does that little red nose make you feel like she’s going to sneeze soon? Well she’s not…

Dilka Bear Portraits Confused

What is this Snow Queen doing with that summerish poppy slipping through her icy fingers? You can tell that she doesn’t know either, or else she would’ve cast some frosty spell on it to turn it white.

Dilka Bear Portraits Dreamy

Never put your dreams on hold, put yourself on hold for more dreaming.

Dilka Bear Portraits Guilty

She seemed like a really nice girl. Before she became a criminal, cut her hair, and put some childish clothes on to hide the guilt. Too bad she didn’t hide the evidence, too.

Dilka Bear Portraits Imposing

Did you think we were playing around? Then start enjoying it, and “Yes, m’am!” should be your answer. Or else a finger snap will instantly get you acquainted with those two nice puppies.

Dilka Bear Portraits Melancholic

Autumn, blue, long face, dead frog. All clear.

Dilka Bear Portraits Penitently

This girl has a mystery. It’s either she is trying to be a mouse, or the mouse grew ears so they can look alike. We’ll never know. But she is a little uncomfortable in any of this positions, that’s for sure.


I hope your elbows aren’t worn and that I managed to raise a little enthusiasm about these interesting pictures, that are, indeed, a great work of art. This is how they stimulated my creativity, but maybe yours will go deeper. I would be pleased to read some different stories below if you have one.

Pictures courtesy of Dilka Bear