A lot of people already know about the Women Laughing Alone With Salad phenomenon. And even those who are not aware of it, have seen at least one picture of a woman mimicking pure ecstasy next to a bowl of vegetables or fruit. It’s the way advertisers understand to promote their healthy food products nowadays.

Women Laughing Alone With Salad park

Women Laughing Alone With Salad bowl

Women Laughing Alone With Salad

Photos from womenlaughingalonewithsalad.tumblr.com

Looks legit, doesn’t it? A salad is the most important thing in a woman’s life, obviously, and there are a lot of articles, blogs, tumblrs and sites where you can find endless collections with pictures of this kind.

But what’s wrong with men laughing with their salad, then? Advertisers will never take the Man Laughing Alone With Salad approach and to be honest, they don’t even know what they’re missing.

Men Laughing With Salad red

Men Laughing With Salad

Men Laughing With Salad

Men Laughing Alone With Salad chubbyMen Laughing Alone With Salad

Men Laughing With Salad 3

Forever Alone Laughing With Salad

See the immense potential that a man’s face represents next to a salad?

Only problem might be… men could get too lazy to make that damn fruit salad. So I guess a fruit cocktail can will have to do, then. And it looks like it doesn’t fail to make this guy happy either.

Men Laughing With Salad 5

Photos from 4chanarchive.org