Every dog owner knows that you can quit half your human friends once you have a canine companion. But not all dog owners know that you can actually make your pet a good drinking buddy too. Need proof? Check this out:
Gulp gulp, looks like these dogs have developed a fine taste for black beer.
But some of them don’t necessarily know how to do it and they need help. Very much like an already plastered friend.
Being extravagant is also a feature of the canine world. Most of these dogs are actually just faking the moment in order to impress female friends on Facebook.
Your owner won’t take you out? That pink-collared female left you or got put to sleep? Time to drench in alcohol, buddy, humans will teach you well how to cope with sadness.
Yeah, I know, after a while it actually feels really good, it gets to you. Luckily, since the institution of marriage doesn’t exist in Dog World, the sentiment of guilt is very much minimalized.
And who else if not a canine companion can really appreciate a good joke? “Oh what is that? You want me to get your slippers? Haha, that’s hilarious, man, you humans really crack me up!”.
And dog owners, if you really care about your pets, don’t do this at home. Unless you have good beer and you feel like sharing.
Photos from nurgalerien.com
The Influence of Celebrities' Deviant Lifestyle | Mole Empire
[…] Alcoholics, compulsive gamblers, child molesters, drug addicts… These people are often called deviants or those whose behavior goes against the standards of conduct of a society. In the United States many celebrities have distinctive lifestyles which lead to criminal activity, however celebrity behavior is often overlooked because, well, they’re celebrities. Their crimes are perceived very differently from the same acts committed by their non famous counterparts. Let’s have a look at some of the most famous celebrities and their significant behavior: […]
Lewin Edwards
There is only one “safe” photo in this whole set – it’s the one where two dogs are drinking dog beer. That stuff was specifically brewed for four-legged pals.