Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Time flies but even if we cannot stop it, we can at least make wonderful memories to help us get through life.
We all use a calendar to remind us of events or simply to keep our life in order but the problem is that most of them are quite plain. Maybe it’s time for a change. That’s why artists and designers have created some unique and fun calendars that will brighten up your day.
Enjoy these awesome ideas and maybe…change your calendar with a more creative one.
Chrono Shredder by Susanna Hertrich
This calendar that “shreds” every day of your life is a reminder of how fast time flies and how it is an irreversible process. We must move on and make every moment count.
Photo from SusannaHertrich
Ink Calendar by Oscar Diaz
The “Ink Calendar” is one of the most creative designs so far. The ink colors each number, spreading on the paper, as days go by. “A calendar self-updated, which enhances the perception of time passing and not only signaling it.” – as described on Oscar’s site. Another fun-fact about this calendar is that the ink colors are based on a spectrum, which relate to a “color temperature scale”. That means that each month has a color related to our perception of the weather in that month. The colors range from dark-blue in December to, three shades of green in spring or oranges and red in the summer.
Photo from Oscar-Diaz
Scratch-Off Calendar by Augustin Zea
Remember how you enjoyed scratching lottery tickets or any other game tickets, all the time? Well this calendar is the best choice for you because it gives you the chance to scratch off the day making it a fun action.
Photo from Walyou
Matches Calendar by Yurko Gutsulyak
Burning time? Yurko Gutsulyak believes that a calendar where every day is represented by a match would be quite fun…as long as it’s in safe hands.
Photo from IntelligentDesign
Perpetual Calendar by Gideon Dagan
The great thing about it is that this unique calendar can be used year after year, becoming an eco-concious product. The calendar’s string-tethered seemingly gravity-defying ball is suspended in mid-air and must be moved manually to mark each month while a second ball on the horizontal beam indicates the day. Its design makes it perfect for modern homes.
Photo from DaganDesign
Scarf Calendar by Patrick Frey
Who would’ve thought that one day a scarf could replace your old calendar? Basically, you are supposed to pull on the yarn as time goes by. If you are a big fan of arts and crafts or interior design, this is the perfect calendar for you.
Photo from Vondy
VISUAL BITS #109 > Shepard Fairey Joins Occupy!
[…] 6 creative calendars to get you through the year [Pictures] […]
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