2011 gave us awful films like ‘Jack and Jill’ and ‘The Roommate’, but it also had its ups when it comes to movie premieres. From a cancer comedy to a Woody Allen masterpiece, we give you ten movies that inspired, entertained us and gave us goosebumps this year. Check out the list below to see if you agree.



A movie based on a true story, about friendship, love and survival. My personal favorite from 2011.



A true masterpiece that, weirdly enough, wasn’t nominated for any Golden Globe. Although Ryan Gosling also starred in ‘Crazy Stupid Love’ and ‘The Ides of March’ in 2011, I think he gave his best performance in ‘Drive‘.


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2

The final adventure in the Harry Potter film series. It’s like the end of an era!


The Artist

A black and white silent movie in 2011 is pretty risky, but Michel Hazanavicius pulled it off. Kenneth Turan, from Los Angeles Times, called it ‘a delightful throwback to Hollywood’s early days, when actors used their faces, not dialogue to convey the story‘. I tend to agree.


The Descendants


The movie follows the journey of Matt King, portrayed by George Clooney, an indifferent husband and father of two girls, who is forced to re-examine his past and embrace his future when his wife suffers a boating accident off of Waikiki. Clooney’s performance is just brilliant.




Scorsese’s latest movie is like a fairy tale for adults. Beautifully filmed, excellent acting.


The Help

A truly touching and inspirational movie. And let’s not forget the lovely vintage outfits.



A soulful baseball movie, telling the story of Oakland A’s general manager Billy Beane’s successful attempt to put together a baseball club on a budget.


The Tree of Life


In Terrence Malick’s The Tree of Life, winner of Palme d’Or at the 64th Cannes Film Festival, Brad Pitt gives one of his finest performances ever.


Midnight in Paris


A charming romantic comedy. I’ve hated Owen Wilson for a long time, but after seeing this I suddenly find him less annoying.


Honorable mentions: ‘Shame’, ‘Margin Call’, ‘Win Win’, ‘Rise of the Planet of the Apes’.

Movies we’re still looking forward to: ‘War Horse’ (premiered on December 25), The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (premieres on December 20), Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (premieres in January).

Which were your favorite movies from 2011? Hit the comments and let us know!

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