Popular music has always featured animals, way back to the days of iconic blues-men like Leadbelly who rhapsodized about farmyard creatures. Paul McCartney also revealed a baffling interest in Mary’s little lamb and some have made their love abundantly clear. Here is a list of re-imagined songs from Bryan Adams to King Crimson that demonstrates the inherent love between peeps and animals. Another music playlist is unlikely to plunge to such silly depths again.

The Beatles: Love Me Ewe


Boston: More Than A Sheep


Simon and Garfunkel: Baa Baa Love

Prince: I Could Never Take The Place Of Your Mare


Bryan Adams: Run To Ewe

Foreigner: I Want To Know How Much A Goat Is

Leadbelly: Rock Island Line (features references to goats, cows, horses, and WHOLE LIVESTOCK!)


King Crimson: 21st Century Schizoid Cat

10cc: I’m Not In Love (With A Porpoise)


The Velvet Underground: I’m Sticking with Ewe

N.W.A: Straight Outta Bristol Zoo

Bay City Rollers: Baa Baa Baby


If you can think of anymore songs in which humans romanticise animals then please mention them below.

Also, please let us at Mole Empire know what your favourite choice from the list is!

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