Have you ever lost yourself in a fantasy game? Are you a big fan of visual effects and just love to see complex characters, discover new creatures and admire the endless possibility of digital artists? Well then, you’ll enjoy this article for sure.

There are amazing communities around this surreal world where the unbelievable gets up to life. I’ve browsed them and I simply fell in love with a few artists, so today I’m going to introduce you to some of the world’s most creative people, artists that have worked to create well known animations or video games.

Brynn Metheney

Her creatures are simply incredible, her talent for fantasy illustration has benefited lots of video games and movies. You may know her from the Kickstarted film Dust, which appeared in 2012 or maybe you’ll recognize a few of the wizards or monsters she created for Dungeon & Dragons. Take a look at her work.

Carrion Crawler BMetheney

Photo credit: www.brynnart.com

Lamia Concept Brynn Metheney

Photo credit: www.brynnart.com

Loic e338 Zimmermann

Well, when taking a look at his work you’ll discover a different kind of amazing. His skills were commissioned for major movies like Harry Potter, Thor, Wolverine and many more. A rebellious french talent that now resides in Los Angeles. From photography to illustration he has a special touch and the work he completes is beyond extraordinary.


Photo credit: loiczimmermann.com

Billy the Kid

Photo credit: loiczimmermann.com

Jacek Jerka

With a remarkable career behind, he slowly transcended from drawings and sculptures to posters, paintings and graphic designs. Inspired by his childhood in Poland, the artist created beautiful paintings with a touch on fantastic in them. He collaborated in many projects, from Warsaw to Hollywood and he won the hearts of many art lovers.

attack at a down

Photo credit:www.yerkaland.com

Jacek Yerka creatures

Photo credit:www.yerkaland.com

Yongjae Choi

From Tokyo, Japan, this concept artist has created creatures for a series of games and has won many national and continental competitions. Featured by major magazines, his art is compelling and his characters seem amazingly alive.

Yongjae Choi Indus

Photo credit:indusconcept.com

Yongjae Choi Indus art

Photo credit:indusconcept.com

Furio Tedeschi

Let’s talk about robotic creatures. From precision to highly detailed pictures, this artist takes digital art to the next level.

If you like these kind of amazingly well crafted creatures, don’t forget to take a peak on http://conceptartworld.com/ and get to know new artists, gather inspiration or let yourself dream at a new world. There are also some cool projects here http://www.cgsociety.org/. Enjoy!