Exactly 400 years ago, two of the most appreciated writers of all times have died. In 1616, Cervantes and Shakespeare have left the humankind to grieve. To honor their memory, 23rd of April has become the World Book Day.
Literature is a treasure of the soul. It is said that books make you richer and offer you the experience of past and future generations. They comprise the emotions, the knowledge and the power of great artists, they are a glimpse of a genius and a wonderful adventure.
But to make you understand better what I’m talking about, here are some quotes from a list of books you should have on your shelves this year. Support literature and buy yourself some good books, read as much as you can and be the best version of yourself. I tried to grab a few quotes which I think have the power to immerse yourself in a beautiful story from where you can learn compassion, understanding, love, betrayal, lust and many other strong emotions. They can give you the drive for reading and make you fall for literature once and for all.
The Count of Monte Cristo – Alexandre Dumas
Dragonfly in Amber – Diana Gabaldon
Invisible Man – Ralph Ellison
The Handmaid’s Tale – Margaret Atwood
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close – Jonathan Safran Foer
Hamlet – William Shakespeare
Tell us which is your favorite quote. Because I could go until tomorrow telling you all about how beautifully writes play with words and how deep they touch your soul.
Never stop reading!
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