
With time the lifestyle has changed a lot and alongside has changed the education type. Day by day distance education is becoming more and more popular. Flexibility is the main reason why students of modern age choose this type of education over anything else. However, even though this is the most preferred mode of education right at the moment, there are some pros and cons of this education which you need to know about before making any decision.

The Advantages of Distance Education

You can earn while you learn. Distance education due to the flexibility helps the students to acquire education on their convenient time. Due to this managing a job while studying becomes easy. You can hire a write my book report service to write your project reports and easily continue with your job while you pursue your education.

Affordability is another feature which makes distance education a favorite among the students. While traditional education costs a lot of money, distance education does not cost much. People with financial issues will be able to pursue this type of education because of the affordability.

As it has been said flexibility is the major factor which people prefer while opting for distance education. Time and place will not be a problem when you are opting for it. You can pursue your study from anywhere and anytime. You can turn a basement room your classroom, or you can study from the café, if you prefer. It takes the boredom of the static classrooms.

Employers throughout the world prefer this type of education. It is not only in India, but outside the country also, distance education has taken the front seat. You can acquire degree of any college from anywhere if you go for open university education.

No one will push you to sit for exams when you are opting for distance education. You can take your time to learn. If you think you are not ready to appear for the exam, no one will force you to go for it. Learning at the preferred pace is another advantage.

Disadvantages of Distance Education

One of the major disadvantages of this type of education is the lack of direct contact with the teachers. You will have the study materials, you can contact the faculties through mails as well. However, you will not be able to get the teacher student connection which traditional education will offer you.

Because, no one will be there to monitor your progress or your tasks, there is a chance of drifting away from the target. Frequently students fail to complete their study due to this reason. They fail to get prepared for the exam because there is no teacher to guide them.

Another problem with this type of study is the lack of availability of courses. You will not be able to get all the courses in distance education. Traditional education will be more preferred version due to this.


You need to understand that there are pros and cons of everything. You will have to minimize the errors and maximize the benefits to grow.