Gamble games have a long history and with it, came some changes throughout the years. You can find the perfect casino for you to play gambling games at when you click this link. Even though the randomized principle stayed, the rules and looks of every gamble games suffered changes.
While most casino games require at least two players, slots are a completely different story. Either you play a Poker game against another player or simply against the dealer in BlackJack, the game is no fun alone. In other words, However, when talking about slots, you simply play against its mechanical system.
How Fruit Machines Started
Back in the 19th century, the first slot was born. It had five drums holding fifty card faces. The machine didn’t have much fame among gamblers, but it was a decent start. Shortly after, a more simplistic machine was born. This time the device had only three reels with five classic symbols like the horseshoe or the well known golden bell that gave the name of the machine, Liberty Bell. Later, this golden bell will be seen on most slot advertorials.
The Next Big Change
Until the mid 20th century, Liberty Bell ruled the world of slots. But by the end of 1964, the first new hit was born. It was the first electromechanical slot machine. This revolutionary slot had a new successful theme that was mainly based on fruits. Later, this machine was responsible for the term ‘fruit machine’.
Present and Future
Today, slots are most common among online and mobile platforms. Sure, slots still occupy most space in every land based casino. On the other hand, the new generations look forward to use an app for everything. Moreover, free slots can be easily found within seconds on every mobile device.
We don’t know how the future looks like, but many support that the VR will rule the virtual world. There are already online casinos that are designed for VR users but so far, they don’t really have many customers. Who knows, maybe in ten years, everybody will afford a VR and like Elon Musk said, the VR will be just as real as the real world ’once again’.
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