Open the newspaper at the entertainment page and you’ll notice the somewhat funny jokes, the infamous crossword puzzle and the horoscope. Believe it or not, most people end up reading those three little lines about our sign just for the sake of seeing if something will come out of that, and not very often something similar happens in your life that day.
Stars or no stars, the horoscope is intriguing and makes you wonder if there is such a thing as destiny, not to mention that when something similar to the horoscope prediction happens in real life, you tend to get enthusiastic.
I can tell for sure that I’m not an astrologist, I can’t read in the stars but after reading about horoscope signs, their major characteristics and the important turndowns, I decided that I could develop some kind of horoscope that could give you a clue about your life and your decisions. So, the appropriate way to say a lot of words in a few lines was to recommend a book for each sign and let you decide if literature can help more than your daily horoscope.
A vivacious and happy character, I recommend and adventurous book written by H. Rider Haggard, called She. The novel combines ancient African traditions fitting with British colonialism explored by three English men among African tribes ruled by a woman.
Photo from Vanessa Veselka
This book will give you another perspective of life and will open lots of windows into an exotic but frightening world.
A reliable and patient person will enjoy a scandalous book, The Master and Margarita written by Mikhail Bulgakov. I suggest you read this novel not only for the excellence of the two plots of the story but also for the characters. The book reveals a lot of obscure events that are metaphors for things that eventually happen in your life and remain in your thoughts as a question mark because you have no idea how and why they occur.
Photo from Alter Ink
Youthful souls will appreciate Marguerite Duras’ novel, L’amant (The Lover), in which the author reveals her passionate affair with a 27-year-old Chinese rich man. They both lie about their real age; she is 15 but tells him that she’s 17, and he tells her that he is 32.
Photo from Cafe Bellini
The impudent Gemini will take pleasure in reading the girl’s sexual experience and the subtle eroticism. Behind all that, you will discover even more, I strongly believe the story will change your way of thinking.
An interesting sign, the zodiac characteristic describes you as being nurturing and conservative but you are also a fighter. For that, I recommend two volumes of The Red and the Black by Stendhal.
Photo from Just Another Bookworm
The book will give you a boost of revival feeling of the character who tries desperately to overcome his state in French society and has an intense life throughout the novel.
A character that likes healthiness in all the senses will enjoy reading The Unbearable Lightness of Being, written by Milan Kundera.
Photo from Clockwise Cat
The book is intrigued by the symbols presented through the characters, and because the characters are mostly ignorant even when it comes to love, you will find everything disturbing at first, but then you will understand that life is not that hard to figure out.
A perfectionist, apparently, but a romantic one, so I suggest a book that will help you understand and decide what is important after all. Your book is called Love in the Time of Cholera, written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
Photo from Geosi Reads
In the end, you will understand that nothing can be perfect, especially when it comes to humans, as they are susceptible of making mistakes that they eventually regret.
An idealist and a romantic character, I recommend substantial, realistic, fun reading, the trilogy Sexus, Plexus, Nexus, by Henry Miller.
Photos from Good Reads
The books describe both the reality and fiction of New York, experienced by this scandalous author. Yes, life can be your playground, but it often has to do with the way that you see things around you. After reading the book, you will find out that peace can be found in the most chaotic places.
A passionate and honest character, you sometimes get cynical and critique towards others. I suggest a book that will take your mind of others and make you focus on Naked Lunch, written by William S. Burroughs.
Photo from What Kind of Madness
You will love the whole idea of the novel because it’s not predictable, and the action takes place in different times and spaces again and again. The characters are ignorant and often escape the ordinary in the most common of ways.
A philosophical character; you are definitely not pleased by any book. The good thing is that you are good-humored, and I recommend The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway.
Photo from My Porch
Because of your natural way of putting together all the significances, you will find it relaxing and easy to read. Even more, you will enjoy all the references and the interior conflict of the character.
A practical and patient character, your book is certainly Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk. The book will first make you curious and then you will get to know the character better when you will figure out the actual idea of the book.
Photo from ar-dev
You will find some sequences a bit shocking but will not be disgusted; the book treats a realistic subject of the human being that rejects its own body. Learn from every bit of the characters’ feeling and traumas.
Always self conscious and humanitarian, I suggest you read Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf.
Photo from Bookpedia
The author managed to portray a day in Clarissa Dalloway’s life, the book is about reminiscing the past times. You will find the character very interesting as she reveals her feelings page by page. The book will determine you to remind yourself that you should listen to your own desires more than on the others’, I think it’s healthier that way.
Compassionate and adaptable. That’s why I recommend a book that will touch you because it is about adaptation to hostile situations: A Long Long Way, by Sebastian Berry.
The character loses almost everything but his faith, you will enjoy the pleasant and easiness of the reading through the difficult passages in the book. It is especially for you, I promise.
Photo from Biblio
So there you are, all the 12 signs, either you believe in the horoscope or not, I’m sure you are curious to find out why I recommended all those books just for you.
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