We all at some point have used its services, either by transferring something to a friend or downloading software, MegaUpload helped us by moving information over the internet. The Hong Kong–based website was shut-down on Thursday, January 19th, because of charges filled by The United States Justice Department, calling it an “international organized criminal enterprise allegedly responsible for…
The Stop Online Pirating Act was introduced on October 26 2011 by House Judiciary Committee Chair Representative Lamar S. Smith, a man that doesn’t seem to fully understand the copyright laws and how the internet works. His own campaign website proves that, take a look at how it looked like on 24 of July 2011…
The Christmas holiday is almost here and like always presents need to be wrapped, cards need to be sent and carols need to be sung. But what about those moments when you need to rest a bit and take your mind of things? Well this is why we have taken the liberty of making a…
Each year, around the holidays, every city dresses itself in light to celebrate the Holiday Season. Some people might tell you how beautiful are the European capitals in summer, but I say to you that you haven’t seen nothing if you haven’t visited them at Christmas time. The old mixed in with the modern decorations…
Alcoholics, compulsive gamblers, child molesters, drug addicts… These people are often called deviants or those whose behavior goes against the standards of conduct of a society. In the United States many celebrities have distinctive lifestyles which lead to criminal activity, however celebrity behavior is often overlooked because, well, they’re celebrities. Their crimes are perceived very…
Globes, garlands, reindeers or stars. Christmas decorations haven’t changed that much over the years. That doesn’t mean that we have to satisfy our desire to decorate with just buying them. One of the simplest methods to make your own Christmas decorations has always been the art of paper-folding: Origami. Each time when we think about…
If you have been on the internet these last years, you most probably have noticed a funny phenomenon going on named “meme“. Truth is that it’s hard not to notice it, as almost any everyday situation is subject for a meme. The word that comes from the abbreviation of “mimeme” (which in turn comes from…
Each year the mountains that were full of green get covered with a white blanket of snow. And this white blanket has given man so many ways to have fun and get his adrenaline pumping. But nothing beats the state of exhilaration that snowboarding and skiing gives you. Alone or with your friends, doing a…
Have you ever turned off the volume and tried to guess what is the artist singing? Well that’s what an anonymous “late-20s-ish” music and video producer from Texas did. Just in a couple of months he succeeded in attracting a lot of attention from some record companies (who tried and almost succeeded in getting one…
Besides the value of truth contained by these animations, it is interesting to observe how their simplicity does not bore you. Levni Yilmaz’s animations do not have CGI ( Computer-generated imagery), things flying at you or 3D effects. They are simple, but not simplistic. He just uses lines, a pleasant voice and witty remarks to…
If you have a cat you surely have noticed a thing about it that makes you proudly acknowledge that it’s yours. Either rubber bands are chewed or it bounces of the walls, sometimes leaving paw prints, it just makes you want to smile and pick up the furry little thing in your arms. So this…
Every year, on the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, also known as Black Friday, people storm the stores in search of promotional prices and they forget their common sense at home. But if you get past the stampede you get to see an amazingly funny show. Men and women screaming and fighting, people standing in line…