Skydance Animation has released its first feature-length film, “Luck,” under the leadership of John Lasseter. He is the head of animation for Skydance Animation, coming from Pixar. In his past role, he worked on big-name films and helped to influence the visual style of many of the company’s animated stories. Now, Skydance is creating movies…
Cuba has always been a somewhat mysterious island which many fantasie about visiting. Not too many people get to experience Cuba and this makes it even more appealing to intrepid travellers. Those that do visit find a beautiful, colourful and vibrant country with signs of its history everywhere. For those that like adventure with their…
Traveling around the world is the dream of many people. Unfortunately, few of them have what it takes to make it come true. Let’s face it, it’s not so easy at first glance: you all have your jobs, your education, your family and your responsibilities. As exciting as it sounds, you can’t just leave it…