In times of genetic mutations it’s best to keep your opinions and preferences to yourself. Not when dealing with funny animal pictures on the Internet, though. That’s safe. Many generous users from the “HybridAnimals” subreddit have been making awesome works of mutated art and shared them with the world. Some better than others, some funnier,…
Cats most often lead a sedentary lifestyle and love to eat. And if you get a bit too generous, you might end up overfeeding your cat and making it fat and heavy. It can be hard to determine whether your cat is overweight as it depends on the age, size, and breed of the cat….
If you’re a beginner and would like to learn more about keeping tropical fish, remember that caring for some common freshwater varieties to start with is always advised. These fish are more resilient and less likely to get sick or die. Once you feel confident enough, you can switch to tropical varieties. It’s important to…
Lesson No.1: Never mess with mama’s baby! If animal mothers could talk they would definitely scream: “Get your paws off my baby!” in situations like the ones presented below. And as if their menacing growls wouldn’t be enough to scare away the attackers, they don’t waste a single second when their babies are in danger….
We don’t know anymore who started this trend, but it seems that heavily distorted guitars, growling vocals and blast beat drumming can all go very well hand in hand with cute little animals. As expected, dogs seem to overshadow, or at least outnumber other species when it comes to death metal aptitudes. Barking definitely is…