Remember Terry Border and his hilarious Bent objects series? A talented photographer with an eye for sculpting as well, Terry puts together all sorts of amusing scenes having as main characters household objects and food items. Curious about the creative mind behind these original scenarios, we got in touch with Terry to get to know…
Considering the success of Terry Border‘s humorous art of Bent Objects, I’ve decided it deserves further attention. This post is dedicated to a project that didn’t receive so much attention as Bent Objects, project entitled Really Bent. For those who haven’t heard yet, Terry Border is a Greenwood based artist, who makes a living of…
Terry Border takes normal objects, provides them with wired hands and feet and turns them into characters of hilarious scenarios. The objects rang from usual things used in the kitchen or in the bathroom, to fruits and vegetables, but I think that his masterpieces are the ones with food coming alive. Irony, humor, sarcasm, and…