Standard maps are not that interesting anymore and that’s why these extremely creative people – photographers, designers or random people with a vast imagination – decided to give world maps a new twist. Some are carved, some are painted, while others are edited pictures of different objects. Funny, interesting or simply amazing these maps are…
There’s always a nice feeling that I get after watching a TED talk. Either it’s a feeling of awareness, of power, a matter to meditate about or just some friendly advice, those inspiring talks make you think. The fact is that we stumble across inspirational articles and videos everyday, but how many of them really…
Half of the people live their life with their brain in stand-by. They confuse their ideas with someone elses’, thinking that the effort is all their “creation”. Well, creative thinking is the only one generating ideas. The only one capable of taking you out of the sleep you’re surviving in, helping you to become more…