When you start building your online presence, Facebook is an essential part of doing it right. If you already have a website, it is a great way to promote your news and updates. Moreover, if don’t own one yet, it is a great place to start with minimum effort and budget. Bellow you’ll find a…
Photo from Airtime Facebook page A few weeks ago a new social network joined the likes of Facebook, Twitter and Google +. Sean Parker and Shawn Fanning, the same minds who brought Napster into our virtual worlds, created the first live video network, named Airtime. This network uses live video links to bring people with…
Image by thesmellofsunscreen on Tumblr Pinteresting is the new tweeting, or at least that’s what we heard. In January alone Pinterest grew 44% in referral traffic and jumped from 7 to 11 million users, which kind of makes it the new hot social network out there. A virtual, interactive bulletin board where everyone can pin…
Photo source: here. You probably all know by now the hundredth of Hitler parody videos out there, all adding funny subtitles to a (now) worldwide known scene from the 2004 movie ‘Der Untergang‘, making fun of everything, from events to the Harry Potter movies. Well, apparently it’s also fashionable to sing or, in some circumstances,…
If you take a look at the pictures below you will probably think that they represents different cities or continents during night time, like the view you get when looking out the plane window. Or maybe you’d think it’s a satellite photo. But the correct answer is: neither of them. Actually Eric Fisher created quite a…