In September 2014, Ofer Rozenman and his friends traveled across Eastern Europe in a 3000km journey and shot “yet another stop motion road trip video”. Shot with a Sony RX1, this captivating and dreamy travel video captures 200GB and 8000 stills covering Bosnia, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia and Italy. It just makes you want to pack…
Traveling around the world is the dream of many people. Unfortunately, few of them have what it takes to make it come true. Let’s face it, it’s not so easy at first glance: you all have your jobs, your education, your family and your responsibilities. As exciting as it sounds, you can’t just leave it…
‘Gulp’ is a short film by Sumo Science at Aardman – a creative team from Bristol/England, showing a fisherman going about his daily catch. This short movie was shot on location at Pendine Beach in South Wales. Every frame of this stop-motion animation was shot with a Nokia N8, which has a 12 megapixel camera…