Modern Music Trends That Everyone Likes

Only true music fans seem to keep an eye on what’s going on in the music industry and monitor the rising and disappearing trends. The majority of people call themselves melomaniacs or music addicts just to listen to everything that’s popular in music charts now. Both lifestyles have the right to live but having some…

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5 Real Estate Trends to Watch

Whether you’re thinking of buying or selling, it’s important to keep an eye on real estate trends to know when the best time is to make your move. These five trends are some of the most important to watch. A Buyer’s Market is Slowly Developing Across the Country While it’s been a seller’s market for…

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These 5 DIY Beauty Trends May be Hurting Your Skin

With scores of new beauty bloggers launching channels daily on Youtube and social media flooding with amateur beauty tips and tricks, the world of online skincare has never been bigger or more interactive. While that’s great for budding makeup enthusiasts to learn new skills, not all of the beauty trends recommended online are good for…

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Top 3 Must Have Fall Fashion Trends

If you want to stay ahead of the crowd this Fall and make sure you look great, then the time has come to update your wardrobe. Here are three of the top trends this season which no fashionista will want to be seen without. Color Blocking This trend was a big hit during the summer…

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Fashion Trends: Pills Jewelry, Clothing and Accessories

It seems that lately pills have become something quite trendy in the fashion world. And no, I’m not referring to drug abuse this time. These pills won’t damage your health in any way because they are absolutely harmless. I’m talking about pill-patterns used by some daring fashion designers and pill-shaped accessories such as charm bracelets and…

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Ultimately Vainglorious Hipsters Photos

Hipsters – highly self-absorbed persons rubbing the universe the wrong way since 2002. They love irony, taking pictures of themselves and their pathological exhibitionism makes them really vulnerable when opposed to common sense. “Take your grandmother’s sweater and Bob Dylan’s Wayfarers, add jean shorts, Converse All-Stars and a can of Pabst and bam — hipster.” Time Magazine And that is just…

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Cute Paws: The Cat Scan

Scanning cats seems to be the latest trend in weird Internet photos. What does scanning cats mean? Well, have you ever put your face on a scanner just to see what it’ll look like? Instead of that, just make a kitty stand on it and you’ll get some cute puss paws in your scanned image….

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How to Become an Obnoxious Mod in Five Easy Steps

While hipsters have been pushing barriers of douchebaggery to new standards in the past years, something of an even greater annoying force is waiting to arise. For the third time in history, it’s mod revival time! Mod (from modernist) is a subculture that originated in London, England, in the late 1950s and peaked in the early-to-mid 1960s. Significant elements of…

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Hollywood Trends: Pixie Haircut

When it comes to style, it is usually said that less means more. Maybe that’s what hollywood stars try to express lately with their really short haircuts. Ever since the famous model of the 60’s – Twiggy – started wearing her hair really short it has become a trend for famous women to try and…

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Is Google+ the New Facebook?

Google is giving a new try to be more social on the Internet, but can they really defeat facebook? Will the new google+ be the new facebook and even more important, will the facebook be the myspace of tomorrow (death and everything)? I will try to find out some answers to the previous question by analyzing…

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Trend Up! Try New Android Apps

Hi everybody! This is Yke and starting from today, every week, I will recommend you a cool new Android app. So grab your Android power devices and let’s get droid-ing! Androidify This days is really cool to have a nice-funny avatar, but making one can be a little bit of a downer. But don’t despair…

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8 Sources Of Inspiration For Designers This Fall

Every designer starts a collection from an idea or a concept. Either its past trends, a movie, a trend, a movement or a personality, every season we’re amused or pleasantly surprised by designer’s choice of inspiration. Focusing only on London Fashion Week, we classified the most commonly met themes for this fall. Here’s what got…

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