If you take a look at the pictures below you will probably think that they represents different cities or continents during night time, like the view you get when looking out the plane window. Or maybe you’d think it’s a satellite photo. But the correct answer is: neither of them. Actually Eric Fisher created quite a…
If you call yourself a social media enthusiast, than you should be very proud to walk around with the Facebook and Twitter Superstar Adidas shoes designed by Gerry McKay. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the shoes haven’t been produced (yet) by Adidas, although they were petitioned to do it. Anyway, imagine the impact of such a trend:…
November 1st will be a day of silence in the social networks Facebook and Twitter. Voluntary silence in order to raise awareness for people with autism, for which social communication is one of the biggest challenges of everyday life. What is the name of this initiative? Communication Shutdown, a campaign intended to raise funds for…