The Sweet, The Transcendental, And The Metaphysical: A Music Playlist

Photo by wikido on tumblr Music has innumerable possibilities, taking emotional states and even metaphysical matters into the listening experience. Everybody knows and has songs that have and continue to take them back to some other emotional plain. This fairly short playlist outruns the gamut by ranging from Ash to Neu!, showing how music can…

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The Londoner and the Interview: Neo-Cubism and Spectatorship in Modern London

The wind blew down on a harsh ground on a summer’s day as a form appeared in a figurative landscape, constantly scouring for inspiration. This intrepid explorer could make Bear Grylls look like an agoraphobic curtain-straightener and make a tumble-drier salesman’s head spin even more. He trundled over a fractured environment where light and colour…

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