Energy-Boosting Habits and Foods 

Building healthy habits is not such a hard thing to do. All you need is the desire to change. Your motivation to feel better and more energized should direct you to the right path. After all, we all know what we should do to take better care of ourselves. However, we often tend to ignore…

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Why Golf Is the Perfect Recreational Activity

Golf is a sport often associated with retirement, and with good reason. You’ll never hear of anyone retiring after decades in the workforce and then settling into basketball or soccer. That just doesn’t happen. Such activities are too physically demanding. Tennis is a lot easier on the joints but it hardly comes close to golf…

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6 Ways Worth Trying Out for a Good Night’s Sleep

Image source: Damir Spanic from Unsplash Getting enough deep and restorative sleep has proven to be more important than you can imagine, as the brain is restoring itself, memories are stored, impressions and emotions are processed. It is also during sleep that the body’s immune system is activated and the production of stress hormones goes…

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6 Pick-Me-Up Beverages to Get You Going in the Morning

There is no lie that mornings can be tough. Especially if you aren’t an early bird, waking up after a night of tossing and turning can really make you feel exhausted the next day. So, you rely on your hot cup of joe to give you all the energy you need to make your way…

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Stop Dieting; Eat Intuitively

Nowadays, it’s very hard to watch television shows or videos without an ad on weight loss supplements and steroids mixes. It appears there is a novel recommendation for weight loss anywhere and everywhere, but I’d say people should leave their dieting and start eating intuitively. The reason is simple because this emerging concept is an…

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